Weekly Pew Sheet 25-09-22

Services this Sunday;
10.30am at Marown, Morning Praise
3pm Holy Baptism ( at Marown)

 6.30pm at Baldwin, a Harvest Concert by Caarhyn Cooidjagh, beginning with light refreshments and including a raffle.  Annie Kissack and her multi-talented choir have put together a wonderful evening of entertainment for our Harvest celebration this year with some music specially composed for the valley.

Refreshments will be served from 6.30pm, with a retiring collection for The Friends of St Luke’s, Baldwin at the close of the evening.

Services next Sunday;
10.30am Old St Runius Harvest Morning Praise for all the family
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion

Brothers and sisters in Christ,
I pray that you have had a blessed week.
Attached is the pew sheet with all the events and services coming up across the parish and beyond.  This week’s sheet includes details of our Harvest services and the Diocesan Harvest Appeal-we have always been very generous to these appeals at harvest and I am sure this year will be no exception as we support poor communities in Malawi.
Don’t forget our concert tomorrow evening at St Luke’s Church Baldwin, beginning at 6.30pm with refreshments then the fabulous Manx choir Caarhyn Cooidjagh.
Please do keep me up-to-date with your prayer requests and concerns, I include these in my daily prayer time.

All good wishes and prayers for the week ahead,

Canon Janice
