Weekly Pew Sheet 25-10-20

Services today: 10am Foxdale Harvest Festival
10.30am Marown Morning Prayer
6.30pm Baldwin CW Holy Communion

Next week: 11 am Foxdale Messy Church
10.30am Marown BCP MP & 6.30pm Baldwin All Soul’s Service

This week…

Canon Janice will be on annual leave until Sat 31st October. You can leave her phone or email messages for when she returns to work or you can contact our reader Heather Paisley on 07624 467158 or heather.paisley.home@gmail.com

This Sunday at St Luke’s our guest celebrant and preacher is the Revd Ruth Walker from the cathedral

Coming up…

Please let Heather Paisley know the names of any loved ones you would like remembered during our All soul’s Service next Sunday evening, and also join us for this annual remembrance of those we love, but see no more

On Sunday 25th Liz McGirr will have a table at the back of Marown Church with Mothers’ Union Christmas and other cards available to buy. Please come prepared to buy ?

40th Anniversary. The Cathedral is 40 years old on Sunday 1st November. To celebrate the occasion a special service is to be held in the afternoon at 3.30pm in the presence of the Lieutenant Governor, President of Tynwald, Chief Minister and other dignitaries. The Cathedral team would be delighted if as many members of our congregations as possible could join them for this celebration.
