Weekly Pew Sheet 26-02-23

Services for Sunday 26th February;
10.30am at Marown, Morning Praise
6.30pm at Baldwin, CW Holy Communion with guest preacher Cheryl Cousins

 Services for Sunday 5th March;
10.30am at Marown BCP Morning Prayer
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion

Dear friends,

Please find attached the pew sheet for the coming week.

We are pleased that Cheryl Cousins, Local Minister for St James Dalby, is visiting us again.  She was our guest preacher at Marown a couple of weeks ago and for those who missed what she had to say on that occasion we are pleased to welcome her to St Luke’s tomorrow evening.

Please do read the item about the start of our Lent reflections, these begin on this coming Monday evening 27th Feb 7-9pm with refreshments from 6.45pm.

Prayers to all for a peaceful and blessed week,

Canon Janice
