Weekly Pew Sheet 26-05-24

Services this Sunday;
10.30am, Marown Morning Praise
6.30pm at  Baldwin, CW Holy Communion

Services next Sunday 2ndJune;
9.30am at Marown, ‘Café Church’
6.30pm at Baldwin, BCP Holy Communion

Good evening friends,

We are on the brink of the 2024 TT and the island is welcoming visitors from around the world.

Marown Church is now set up as a café so will be locked outside of practice and race sessions.

I know some of you will be very excited and looking forward to the racing, for others this time of year is a source of anxiety.  Whatever you are doing keep safe and let me know if you would like a phone call about anything worrying you.

We pray that these next two weeks will be a time of safety and enjoyment.

Every blessing for the coming week,

Canon Janice
