Weekly Pew Sheet 26-07-20

It was a great to joy to be able to celebrate full Holy Communion again last Sunday, including sharing the chalice and The Peace as we as individual felt comfortable.  We recognise that some people may not yet ready to share the wine from the common cup nor to physically share The Peace and that is respected.

Some guidelines are still in place in our churches, especially regarding the use of hand sanitiser and contact tracing details.  Please continue to observe those.  In the interests of greater hygiene, it would be very helpful for the monetary collections to be done by bank Standing Order if at all possible, please contact our Parish Treasurer Mrs Sue Waring if you are able to do this (tel:851478 for more details).   If you do not use SOs then please leave your monetary offering on the collection plate as you enter, as for the time being the collection plate will not be passed around during the service. A hugeThank you’ to all those who have continued to support the parish financially through the lockdown, this has enabled us to keep paying our bills.  

Exciting news…

If you have looked at the diocesan website recently you will already know our great news. From September Steven Herron will be joining the parish to serve his curacy with us.  He will be ordained deacon on 26th September in the cathedral.  We are very pleased to have Steven amongst us and look forward to his ministry.  Please pray for him as this awesome event approaches.

