Weekly Pew Sheet 28-01-24

Services for Sunday 28th January;
10.30am Marown Morning Praise*
6.30pm at Baldwin, CW Holy Communion

Services for Sunday 4th February;
10.30am at Marown BCP Morning Prayer*
6.30pm at Baldwin BCP Holy Communion

*in the south transept side chapel

Dear friends in Christ,

We have two liturgical celebrations this Sunday.  At Marown Church the morning service marks Candlemas and at St Luke’s Church we celebrate the 4th Sunday of Epiphany.

The season of Epiphany is almost over and next week we will begin to look towards Lent.

Since I will be on annual leave in early February there will be an up-dated pew sheet sent out on Wednesday evening, please look out for that.

A few hard copies will be left in Marown Church for those who don’t have email and for any visitors that may call in.

Every blessing for the coming week,

Canon Janice.

