Weekly Pew Sheet 29-05-22

Services this week Sunday 29th May ;
10.30am a shortened service at the Crosby Methodist Chapel
6.30pm Baldwin CW Holy Communion (said service)

Services next Sunday, ‘Mad Sunday’ 5th June Pentecost;
10.30am Marown Café Church
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion (said service)

Marown Parish Jubilee Service and celebration Sunday 12th June;
11.30am Marown Church, all welcome.

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
Marown Church is now set up to welcome visitors for TT fortnight and to offer hospitality.  Therefore, outside of practice/race sessions and Sunday worship the church will be closed.  If you wish to have access for private prayer then please contact me.  The churchyard remains open though be aware of the road closures.
Please keep St Paul’s Church Foxdale in your prayers, by the end of the TT I hope to have the Quantity Surveyor’s report on the nature and cost of the repairs.
These next two weeks are particularly busy so if you need to contact me and it is urgent please text me on the number below.
My prayers are for a safe and fun TT, keep safe and let me know if you have any prayer requests.
Every blessing,

Canon Janice    07624 406084
