Weekly Pew Sheet 31-07-22

Services this week;
10.30am Marown, A Service of the Word with our friends from the Crosby Methodist Chapel
6.30pm Baldwin, Our Guest Service with former prison officer and Salvation Army member Mr Colin Ring giving his testimony.

Services next week;
10.30am Marown BCP Morning Prayer
6.30pm Baldwin BCP Holy Communion

Friends in Christ,
Another month comes to a close and August beckons.  Many people are still in holiday mood, we offer our prayers to them for safe travel and a time of relaxation, as we also welcome those visiting our island.

Although some activities and events have slowed down for the summer there are several events on our pew sheet and some interesting items you may like to investigate further.

I have taken the unusual liberty of including some extra information that has been sent to me.  I draw your attention to the Assisted Dying leaflet that comes from our Christian family across the island.

Don’t forget tomorrow being a 5th Sunday in the month we have a joint service at Marown Church with our friends from the Crosby Methodist Chapel, whilst St Luke’s Church holds their ‘Guest Service’ with Mr Colin Ring as our speaker.

I wish you all a blessed week

Canon Janice
