Weekly Pew Sheet – Early September

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Please find attached a pew sheet covering the next 3 Sundays.
I will be away from 6-20 September on annual leave and my thanks to those who will keep the parish running and provide service cover during that time.   There has had to be a slight re-arranging of our normal service pattern but I am sure you will give a warm welcome to Revd Jonanthan Knight and the very Revd Nigel Godfrey as they lead services at Marown and St Luke’s.
Whilst I am away our Reader Heather Paisley is holding the fort and her contact details are on the pew sheet.   I will also leave the usual contact details on the vicarage answerphone and on my email accounts.
Please keep Revd Steven Herron in your prayers as his ordination to the priesthood approaches (2nd Oct 3pm in the cathedral, all welcome).  Donations towards a monetary gift for Revd Steven to mark this special occasion can be given to our parish treasurer Sue Waring in a clearly marked envelope please.  Cheques payable to ‘The Parish of Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin’.
Every blessing for the weeks ahead.
Canon Janice