February 2014 Newsletter

Dear parishioners of Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin,

 I hope 2014 has begun well for you all despite the awful weather and the many illnesses that seem to be going round.   It is at times like these you understand why past generations valued their faith and put their trust in God for deliverance.

 Although we have scarcely finished wishing each other ‘Happy New Year’, for many thoughts are turning to spring and Lent.   Plans are unfolding for pancake celebrations in Marown and Foxdale plus ideas for social events in our churches later in the year.

 The service rotas have been produced taking us to the end of April.   Once again the dedication of our Readers Nancy Clague, Doug Chalk and John Marchment mean that the usual pattern of worship is maintained in our three churches with only a few variations.

 The main change, however, is on 30th March, Mothering Sunday.   Following a commitment made at the November 2013 PCC to support our brothers and sisters at Foxdale, our Mothering Sunday service this year will be at St Paul’s Church.   Being a 5th Sunday Marown would usually join with the Crosby Methodist Chapel.   On this occasion the chapel folks have decided not to do this, therefore, the opportunity has been taken to show our solidarity with the congregation at Foxdale by joining with them.   We will keep the 11.15am service time.   Nearer the day arrangements will be made to offer lifts for those who might need them.   I am sure that just as we are keen to share fellowship with our Methodist brethren we will be equally keen to worship at the Miners Church.

 I wish you all a warmer, sunnier and drier month,

 Every blessing

 Rev Janice Ward