October Harvest Newsletter

October Harvest Newsletter

Dear friends and parishioners,
After a very busy summer we now move into autumn and the chance to thank God once more for all his bounteous goodness towards. We have a number of harvest services across the parish plus our harvest supper and dancing in the Marown Church Hall-see or contact Ann Williams for tickets 852721. We hope that you will come to several of these events as each will be slightly different and with the chance to sing our favourite harvest hymns, help with decorating the churches would be appreciated and produce brought into church will be distributed locally. With the Animal and Pet Service at Foxdale on 5th October there is also the opportunity to praise God for all creatures especially those who share our lives and homes. We will be supporting financially the Bishop’s Harvest Thanks-giving Appeal in association with Christian Aid which is assisting families in Angola, please take one of the leaflets that will be in our churches over the next couple of weeks.

From Old Testament times the people of God have set apart a time of celebration for the abundance of the earth and though many things have changed over the milllenia our need for food has not. With a growing global population and the effects of climate change altering weather patterns and sea levels no one can afford to take our food supply for granted. As part of our harvest prayers this year I urge you to pray for the world hungry and for a just sharing of the earth’s resources as well considering how each of us can reduce the negative effect we have on our planet. God granted us stewardship of all he created and for too long we have turned that stewardship into domination until now we threaten our own survival. It more than time to redress the balance. Let us all celebrate this harvest by pledging to be better stewards of God’s earth and more generous to those in need.

Every blessing for this month
Rev Janice

During September we commended to God’s keeping Mavis Matthewman and Clem Le Moignan.
We celebrated the marriages of Sam Birchell and Richard Mylchreest and also Steven Nash and Angela Hawes as well as sending our best wishes to Josh Bell as he married Leah Wagstaff.
We welcomed into the church family by baptism Grace Emilie Marie Wilson.

Please note from Sunday 19th October the second service at Marown will move to the slightly later time of 11.30am and share coffee with the 10am congregation.