Parish News July & August 2015

Dear friends and parishioners across our parish,

Summer has arrived, the first wave of biking enthusiasts have enjoyed the T T and there is a pause before the August races begin. A huge thank you to all who helped with catering in Marown Church and Church Hall, it was wonderful to extend hospitality to so many people, most of whom don’t usually step inside Church buildings. Such occasions are the first stage in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus. Encouraging people to enter our buildings for whatever purpose, worship or other activities, is crucial in being able to teach people the Christian faith and for them to allow us as people of faith to walk along side them in life’s journey.

As people know less and less about what goes on in Church it becomes more important than ever to find ways of welcoming them into our worship spaces as it is only then  that we can begin to teach them what being a follower of Jesus is all about. Messy Church is a great example of this that covers all age groups and it would be wonderful to see more ‘mature’ folks at these services besides young families.

Please pray for all that is going on in our Churches and especially for St Paul’s Church Foxdale as they seek to revitalise their role within that village community.

Love and prayers to you all,

Rev Janice.