Parish Newsletter

Dear friends,
Here we are heading into September, autumn is beckoning and those beautiful hot days in May through to July will be a fading memory along with our Isle of Man sun tans. It has been an interesting summer for me. In May I had a visit to Nobles as a patient. That was an experience for me being the other side of the surgeon’s knife. It also meant that I was off work for pretty much of the summer months. During that time at the end of June, I was ordained Priest at a wonderful service in Marown parish church. It was great to see so many people there from our three churches. We even had a delicious cake with a motorcycle model on top. I would like to thank everyone who helped in any way with this service I loved every minute of it. I am looking forward to being able to serve the parish in my capacity as priest. I am planning to continue with my theological training through All Saint’s mission and ministry course with a view to completing a foundation degree in mission and ministry.
In July, we had a very successful flower festival, with the exhibitions’ being very well attended. Marown church also hosted a concert evening with which to close the festival. This was a great evening of music and comedy.
As I write this, we are in the middle of the festival of motorcycling (MGP) race week. The T, T catering at both Marown church and the church hall have been doing brisk business. I can personally vouch for the quality of the meals and cakes on more than one occasion!
It has been interesting to observe that it is not only the food that interests visitors but also the volunteers who are helping at the time. We have had several visitors wanting to photograph the team. I think this shows that when we get involved in church hospitality in Jesus’ name there is something special going on, we are making a difference in people’s lives, and who knows where that may lead them to in the future.
Rev Janice and I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has contributed to this great outreach event. We shall find out more in the following weeks and in the next newsletter.
Every blessing for the coming month,
Rev’d Iaen.