Parish Newsletter Feb 2016

Dear Friends,

As I write this newsletter there is a lull in the wet and stormy weather that has dominated the past few months.  My fence has blown down, my letterbox blew itself to bits, the wheelie bin has been lapping the back garden like John McGuiness on a good day and the roof tiles have been rattling like loose change in a joggers shorts. Some of my work colleagues have been flooded out several times and I am sure none of us have been unaffected by the gales and rain. On the Isle of Man and on the adjacent Isle and indeed, on a global scale, there have been communities affected by the weather. We have seen homes, businesses, Churches, roads and bridges flooded and in some instances, washed away altogether. The adverse conditions are drawing together communities where they are working together to help one another in their time of need and distress. Jesus is recorded in the Gospel of St Matthew 22: 37-39 as saying “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself”. We as Christians don’t need adversity to love our neighbour but it sometimes galvanises our resolve.


We have just had our plough Sunday service at Marown parish church which is a time that is seen as the beginning of the agricultural year. With the fields saturated please pray for our farming communities as they try to till the land ready for planting. Our whole infrastructure has been disrupted in some way through road flooding, fallen trees, high tides causing our promenades to be closed as they are battered by stormy seas and of course the boats not sailing causing travel disruption with cargo to and from the Island. Also please keep mariners in your prayers as they sail across the Irish Sea. Just before going to bed and the weather outside is ferocious, have a look out the window and send a short prayer into the darkness for “those in peril on the sea”.  Let’s hope and pray that February is leading us into more settled weather as we look forwards to spring.


Whatever you are doing this Month, may God bless you and keep you safe.

Rev’d Iaen.