Parish Newsletter

Dear friends

By now we are into British Summer time and are looking forwards to the lighter and hopefully brighter days to come. Also please note that St Luke’s Baldwin has reverted back to services starting at 6.30 pm again. You know, we are so blessed in this parish to have two beautiful rural churches situated at either side of Marown church. St Luke’s in the stunning location in the hills at Baldwin and St Paul’s the miner’s church on the outskirts of Foxdale. Both these churches are a delight to attend and minister in. Each one of our Churches has a long and fascinating history of being a Christian presence in their respective communities.

As I become more familiar with the communities that our Churches serve, I am amazed at how far into their communities each Church reaches into. I suppose that if we extrapolate that Island wide to include an ecumenical dimension there must be a large proportion of the Island population within the influence of our Christian beliefs.

The season of Lent may be such an occasion for us to have conversations to others about our faith. The question “what are you giving up for Lent” usually elicits some sort of response from most people. I find it encouraging that we are a part of something which touches people’s lives, even though it may not be fully understood what the season’s deeper and spiritual significances are. It may be that it is just the few weeks leading up to Easter with its bank holiday and Easter eggs.

For us who are the Church in this parish it is a time to reflect on our lives and our relationship with God and one another. Rev Janice in her introduction to the March newsletter encouraged us to “build up our fellowship and to support each other” as we journey through Lent together.

As we look towards passion tide, Palm Sunday and it’s leading into Holy week with the evening services of compline in Marown Church at 7.30 pm, Let us through prayer and reflection seek a fresh revelation of how our Churches will be a continual and relevant Christian presence to serve their communities.

I pray that we will all have a blessed time throughout this special season.

God Bless.

Rev’d Iaen.