
During the October holiday this year Marown Church organised a Holiday club for children aged 5 to 11 with the help of SUMT. Watch the slideshow below to get a taste of what went on!... Read More

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

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It’s time to start thinking about preparing your Christmas Shoeboxes to be sent to disadvantaged children around the world. Watch this quick video of what it can mean to a child who receives a b... Read More

Set your focus

In life we often get caught up in ourself and our own priorities. In this week’s talk, Rev. Ian Davies reminds us to set our focus on God and in doing so the rest of our lives will fall into pla... Read More

Just do it!

This week’s sermon is delivered by visiting Reader Eric Quirk. He talks to us about prayer and advises us to ‘Just do it!’. Colossians 2:6-15 and Luke 11:1-13... Read More

Mary or Martha?

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You are special. That’s what Rev. Ian Davies’ message is in his family talk. In the main sermon, we look at what Martha actually did wrong when she criticised Mary for not helping when Jes... Read More

Room to change

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It’s so easy to get caught up in what we are doing and what is important to us that we often overlook those in need, even when that person is right in front of us. Christ calls us to look out fo... Read More

Upwards, inwards and outwards

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This week’s talk is given by our Gap Year Youth Worker, Joel Rowlands, during what is his last church service at Marown before his time with us draws to a close. Joel talks about a passage that ... Read More

Picnic, Park and Play

A day out for the young people of Marown! Meet at Douglas Train Station at 9:30 to catch the 9:50 train to Castletown. Bring your own picnic and play things (bat and ball, frisbee etc.). Stay as long ... Read More