TT 2022 at Marown Church

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TT Catering at Marown Church Starting with the first practice session on 29th May 2022, our church on the Main Peel – Douglas road between Glen Vine and Crosby will be open to welcome visitors a... Read More

Parish Choir

  Our small choir at Marown Church, founded by Mrs Ann Williams is led by one of our organists Don Roworth  [BMus(Hons), Organist Emeritus and Senior Lay Clerk of Peel Cathedral.] On a regular b... Read More

Advent Songs

Advent is a good time to think about and prepare for the return of Christ (as well as get ready for Christmas). Other than joining the Advent Course at Marown you might like to listen, think and pray ... Read More

Easter Day 2020

Over the past week or so I have been able to look out from windows at the back of Marown Vicarage and watch new life unfolding.   A particular joy has been to see two, sometimes three, young rabbits... Read More