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It’s the beginning of Lent. This week Ian looks at the Temptations of Christ in the wilderness, and compares them to the temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the temptations we f... Read More

Ready or not…

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Sermon for the 1st Sunday in Advent 2009. What is the difference between being prepared and being ready? Ian finds inspiration from Paul and Alcoholics Anonymous for our daily lives. 1 Thessalonians 3... Read More

Go and Share

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John Marchment talks about going out and sharing our story. You don’t need fancy equipment and bundles of supplies, and you don’t even need to go far. Go with your story. Go with Christ, a... Read More

Slay the Giants

No matter who we are or how small, God is preparing us. As we face trials in our life, we can lean on God. He will see us through. He is preparing us to do his work, he is preparing us for greater thi... Read More