Maundy Thursday and Good Friday

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Please find attached 2 services that I offer to you as we mark these holy days of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday plus a reflection from myself. I invite you to us... Read More

Foodbank Collection Box

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The Isle of Man Foodbank collection point at Marown Church has been moved to Marown Vicarage whilst the Church is closed during the current lockdown.  The collection box can be found just outside the... Read More

Music for Home Worship

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Services may be cancelled, and we may be being asked to distance ourselves socially, but we can still be united in prayer for others and in our love of God. Some of you may like some music to listen t... Read More

Corona Virus News

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Following guidance from the Church of England and from the Bishop’s Office for the Diocese of Sodor and Man; Holy  Communion will only be offered to communicants in one kind i.e. the consecrated br... Read More