Fancy a Gap Year?

If you fancy a Gap Year on the Isle of Man working with youth to develop God’s Kingdom, then take a look at this video by the Scripture Union Ministries Trust based in Port St. Mary. http://www.... Read More

Awesome God

On Sunday 16th May, Marown celebrated it’s Sunday School Anniversary. During the service the youth groups sang “Awesome God” and displayed images that make them think about how aweso... Read More

Be Secure

In the children’s talk Rev. Ian Davies encourages us to have a child’s outlook towards our walk with Christ. In his sermon, Rev. Ian Davies continues the theme of restoration from last wee... Read More

Be Restored

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Just becasue you have made mistakes in the past, doesn’t mean you are not eligible for what God has in store for you. God doesn’t want second best for you. He wants to give you the best. H... Read More

Palm Sunday 2010

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Today is Palm Sunday, and Rev. Ian Davies talks about the celebration that greeted Jesus as he rode into Jerusalem, and how the expectations of the crowd were not what God had planned. How different w... Read More

Press on with Christ

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You can’t earn God’s love by good deeds or following the Law. You already have it, so accept it and walk with Christ. Leave the past behind. Let Christ be your guide and press on towards t... Read More

Give it up

It’s Lent and a traditional time to give things up. However the tempations of the world are great. If something is bad for us should we just give it up for Lent or for always? Sounds hard, and w... Read More