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Dear friends, You will have seen the very sad news that His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh died this morning.  Please remember Her Majesty the Queen and the Royal Family in you... Read More

Public Notice

Faculty Jurisdiction Rules (Isle of Man) 2016 In the Consistory Court of the Diocese of Sodor and Man Parish of Marown, Foxdale & Baldwin Church of St Luke, Baldwin NOTICE IS GIVEN that we are app... Read More

Weekly Pew Sheet 14-03-21

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Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Greetings as we approach Mothering Sunday and 4th Sunday of Lent still in lockdown and with the sad news of a Covid related death this week.  Just as last year, t... Read More

Weekly Pew Sheet 07-03-21

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Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, The beginning of March has not got off to the start we had hoped for as the Covid 19 induced restrictions have been tightened.  However, we remain faithful in pra... Read More